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The Demand for Smokeless Tobacco Among Male High School Students in the United States: The Impact of Taxes, Prices, and Policies

Tauras JA, Powell LM, Chaloupka FJ and Ross H. Applied Economics, 39(1): 31-41, 2007.

Despite the deleterious effects of smokeless tobacco use, very little is known about the effects of tobacco control policies on smokeless tobacco demand. This paper uses data extracted from the 1995-2001 National Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS) augmented with tobacco taxes, prices and policies to estimate smokeless tobacco demand equations among male high school students. The estimates indicate that higher smokeless tobacco taxes would significantly reduce the number of male students who use smokeless tobacco and the number of days smokeless tobacco users use smokeless tobacco. Moreover, smokeless tobacco products and cigarettes were found to be economic complements in consumption.

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